| 1. | Code for china flood storage and detention area name 中国蓄滞洪区名称代码 |
| 2. | The huge flood storage capacity will lessen the frequency of major floods 三峡水坝的大容水量可以减少水灾的频率。 |
| 3. | Houses built within flood storage and detention areas shall have flat roofs 在蓄滞洪区内建造房屋应当采用平顶式结构。 |
| 4. | Preliminary discussion on flood storage and dentention area classification in the yangtze river basin 长江流域蓄滞洪区分类的初步探讨 |
| 5. | Siltation will decrease flood storage capacity , the dam will not prevent floods on tributaries , and more effective flood control solutions are available 水患控制土石淤积会减少储水容量,并对支流的的水灾没有帮助。 |
| 6. | The adverse impact of developing fca on the ecological sites , surface drainage , and flood storage raises environmental concern 发展边界禁区对于具生态价值之地点、地面排水及蓄洪方面带来的负面影响,会引起人们对环境的关注。 |
| 7. | Flood storage effect in the beach between yi river and luo river is different from natural condition because of the dykes of the two rivers 伊洛河河道两岸堤防的存在使夹滩地区的滞洪作用不同于天然滞洪区,它不仅对入黄洪水起滞洪削峰作用,而且对洪水总量还略有削减。 |
| 8. | The efficiency of flood storage by the beach area are various according to the dyke construction standard and river condition in different periods 经对1935 、 1937 、 1954 、 1958 、 1982年实测洪水资料的分析知,夹滩地区对入黄洪水的滞洪作用与洪水量级大小、洪水过程胖瘦、堤防决溢程度等因素有关。 |
| 9. | Based on the analysis of flood data of 1935 , 1937 , 1954 , 1958 and 1982 , the flood storage effect is related to flood volume , flood process , intensity of dyke break and others 在现状堤防条件下,如果再发生1954 、 1958年量级的洪水,在确保洛河北大堤安全的情况下,有计划地使用夹滩及南岸滞洪区滞洪,则夹滩地区对入黄洪水的削峰率可达20 % 25 % 。 |
| 10. | The wetland in dongting lake area is one of the largest fresh water lake wetland in china , its eco - environment plays an important role in flood storage and regulation . climatic regulation , water conservation and purification , maintenance of biological diversity 摘要洞庭湖湿地是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一,其生态环境对调蓄洪水、调节气候、涵养水源、净化水质、维护生物多样性等方面具有重要的作用。 |